Perry & Co. President & Managing Broker Heather Parness Resigns


Perry & Co. Realtors has announced that President & Managing Broker Heather Parness has resigned effective June 16, 2012. Heather joined the company in September of 2009.

As President & Managing Broker of Perry & Co. Heather oversaw Realtor productivity, regulatory adherence and agent recruiting.

I am appreciative of the opportunity to have worked for Perry & Co., and having worked with Don Larrance,” said Ms. Parness.

Perry & Co. CEO R. Don Larrance said, “We enjoyed our association with Heather and wish her every success in her future career.”

Perry & Co. management has yet to name a replacement. Company COO Jon Larrance, and a committee of company agents, are currently conducting a statewide search for a replacement, and in fact have identified several suitable candidates. In the meantime, Don Larrance will resume the role of Managing Broker, a position he held at the Denver Metro real estate company for roughly 20 years prior to 2009.



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