What’s So Great About iPhones?


It seems everyone these days who doesn’t have an iPhone is asking themselves the same question: “What’s so great about having an iPhone?”  Real estate professionals in Denver, Colorado are no different. The balance between having lots of apps and having a functional phone seems to be the deciding factor for most – especially given AT&T’s history of bad customer service and dropped calls. Here’s a short story by someone who just made the leap after years of holding out:

So, I have succumbed to a higher level of technology by purchasing an iPhone this past weekend. I truly do not want to be “tied” to my phone all of my waking hours, but I do see the advantages of this product… for example, I now have an “app” that gets me to my grandson’s Mobile.Me Gallery, I now have my own iPod which I didn’t know an iPhone could be (we have had one for a while but it is “my husband’s”), I now can easily check the weather forecast, find a special restaurant or shop when my husband and I are on one of our motorcycle trips, and yes, of course… being able to scan QR (Quick Response) Codes which Perry & Co Real Estate Professionals is now utilizing on all of their for sale properties.

Talking to the sales rep at the AT&T Store I happened to ask if he was familiar with QR Codes - which he wasn’t – at which point, I was able to explain this new marketing technology to him and have since demonstrated to several friends now that I have an iPhone. It is an incredible marketing tool that is catching on and growing rapidly as more and more people become familiar with ScanLife.

Bottom line to all of this is… don’t snooze, don’t lose… stay young and move along with changing tech times… it is worth it!

Editor’s Note: The ScanLife EZCode barcode scanning application can be used on any camera and browser enabled smartphone, not just iPhones. Click here to read more about how Perry & Co. is using QR Codes or to www.GetScanLife.com to download the application for yourself.

Written by Perry & Co. Licensed Real Estate Assistant (and Grandmother) Jan Hall.

One Response to “What’s So Great About iPhones?”

  1. 1 Roch

    Although I’m not a current Apple user I am looking into the Ipad to use with clients. Using a pen to sign electronic documents could make our job easier in handling paperwork for deals we are doing.

    Those signed documents could then be made as pdf and sent to the other brokerage.

    Overall I hear they are best for media… I guess i’ll stick with my Blackberry for now.

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