Letter Of Recommendation For Perry & Co. Denver Realtor Courtney Ranson


To whom it may concern,

It is our absolute pleasure to have an opportunity to recommend Courtney Ranson, a truly exceptional real estate broker.

It is rare in this day to find a person with impeccable work ethic and honesty, someone who possesses a sincere desire to strive and deliver exactly what her clients are searching for. She provides the highest quality of service, is extremely well versed of the real estate industry as a whole, and brings remarkable knowledge of the Denver market.

During our extensive search, Courtney diligently pursued to present us with endless opportunities always maintaining an enthusiastic approach. We decided to make an offer on what can only be described as “An extremely complex deal” due to the home being in foreclosure, attached to a bankruptcy and having over $2M in liens and judgments on the property. Courtney was extraordinary in her efforts negotiating complicated issues between all parties; brokers, bankers and attorneys, all the while maintaining focus to ensure our best interest.

We found Courtney to be a delight to work with and a professional in every sense of the word.

Most sincerely,

Joe T. & AnnMarie Walsh

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