Desperately Seeking Sellers (Denver Home Buyers Are Back But Where Are The Sellers?)


Today’s Classified Ad:
Home Sellers Wanted! Ready, willing and eager buyers looking for homes to buy. Multiple offers abound. What are you waiting for? Call now to get your home on the market. 303-399-7777

If we could write a classified ad to help people realize the opportunity that we’re seeing in today’s real estate market, it might look like the above headline. The statistics are just starting to corroborate what we’ve been feeling in our company for the past few months. The market is changing. Buyers who’ve been “on the fence” are ready to get moving. Home sellers in the under $500,000 price ranges with their homes move-in ready and priced correctly are finding themselves with the happy circumstance of looking at multiple offers within days of putting them on the market. Alternatively, our buying clients are lamenting the lack of inventory (42% fewer homes and condos on the market since this last time last year!); they’re ready to buy but they can’t find a house to buy. Help them out won’t you.

See what the Denver Post reported about what’s happening in Metro Denver home sales!

If you’ve been thinking about selling your home, now is an opportune time to work with your Perry & Co. Realtor and get it market-ready and priced right for your neighborhood.


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