Letter of Recommendation For Perry & Co. Realtor Michele Brumelle


The following Letter of Recommendation was sent to Perry & Co. Real Estate Professionals Denver real estate agent Michelle Brumelle for assisting Jeffrey & Crystal Zalonis who relocated from Manchester, TN. The Zalonis’ were referred to the Perry & Co. Relocation Department by Cornerstone Relocation Group. Based upon the specific needs of the Zalonis’, Perry & Co. Director of Relocation Jon Larrance assigned Michele to help them find their Strasburg home. As you will see, Michele exceeded their expectations, in fact the purchase of their home was completed in under two months.


To whom it may concern:

I would recommend Michele Brumelle of Perry & Co. Realtors to anyone needing to buy or sell a property in the Denver area, or in any location Michele chooses to work. After having been in touch with two realtors that refused to show us properties in rural areas surrounding Denver, we were lucky enough to be referred to Michele. Michele not only did her homework to pull together listings that would meet our needs, she anticipated hiccups when making offers, and had a plan in place to deal with them. Michele does it all, she never worries about what is or is not her job and just gets it done. Not only would I recommend Michele to someone requiring her skills and the special attention she gives to her clients, I have already referred someone to her.

Should I find a need to buy or sell in the Denver area in the future I will contact Michele to ensure that I have the best person on the job.

Crystal R. Zalonis

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