Letter of Praise For Perry & Co. Denver Realtor Carla Bartell


The following Letter of Commendation was sent to Perry & Co. Real Estate Professionals regarding Carla Bartell‘s efforts in helping Ms. Lisa Appel find a perfect home in Denver.

Dear Managing Broker of Perry & Co.,

Thank you for your help leading up to my recent home purchase!

I want to let you know how incredibly happy I am to have worked with Carla Bartell on the purchase of my new home at 500 St. Paul!  Carla was a dream to work with. She was patient when I really needed patience, and she never pressured me, but she was always available when I was ready to move forward and encouraging when I was engaged. She understood my needs and wants in a home pretty much immediately, and I am so happy to have worked with her. I hope my connection with Carla continues and develops into a friendship because I respect and admire Carla and hope to benefit from all her positive attributes in a more personal way after having already benefitted professionally.

Lisa Appel

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