Claire Averill Achieves Membership in GLOBAL Real Estate Network CIPS


Denver, Colorado Realtor Claire Averill of Perry & Co. was awarded the esteemed Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) designation and joins a worldwide network of elite global real estate practitioners with expertise in working with international clients as well as serving the growing multicultural population in the United States.

The CIPS Designation is awarded by the National Association of REALTORS, the world’s largest trade association representing over 1,000,000 REALTORS in the United States.

Members of the CIPS Network are crucial players in today’s global real estate market. The CIPS designation recognizes members who have achieved the necessary training and experience to work successfully with international clients and properties. To earn the CIPS designation, REALTORS complete rigorous coursework devoted to learning cultural differences and international business practices. Designees must also prove achievement in international real estate transactions. Claire Averill joins a distinguished society of over 2000 real estate professionals throughout the world who have earned the CIPS designation.

Averill has been working as a global Realtor® for the past few years working with clients from Italy, Australia and England. In addition, Perry & Co. supports all broker associates doing international business through their role as a Denver representative for Leading Real Estate Companies of the World, a consortium of 600 premier real estate firms with over 150,000 associates in 30+ countries.

For more information on the CIPS designation, visit

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